
250.00 ₹
Vallincourt:–a novel by Joel Goulet

Posted 2 days ago

250.00 ₹
Vallincourt:–a novel by Joel Goulet

Posted 2 days ago


Alexander Vallincourt hires on as a cabin boy on a ship which becomes entrapped in an ice flow near the North Pole, forcing the crew to abandon ship. Vallincourt becomes lost and nearly succumbs to the elements. Rescued by an Inuit tribe Vallincourt is given water from a mystical pool. He is told that because of the water he will live forever. The government is tipped off about Vallincourt’s immortal existence. A group of rogue agents goes on the hunt for him, stopping at nothing to learn his secret to immortality for themselves.
Available in eBook, paperback, and hardcover depending upon country. E-BOOK FORMAT IS AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE.
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Or go to Amazon and type in Joel Goulet in their search bar. Thank you.

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Joel Goulet
Joel Goulet Registered for 1+ year Last online 2 days ago
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    Joel Goulet
    Joel Goulet
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    Vallincourt:–a novel by Joel Goulet
    250.00 ₹ Vallincourt:–a novel by Joel Goulet by Joel Goulet