
333.00 ₹
Thundering Vengeance novel by Joel Goulet

Posted 4 days ago

333.00 ₹
Thundering Vengeance novel by Joel Goulet

Posted 4 days ago


A black car with a powerful, fire-spewing engine causes deadly accidents involving police officers. A police department seeks to stop the car, but soon questions what they are chasing. The lethal car and its driver seem possessed. Nothing the police have done is able to stop the car. Then a mysterious man comes forward with information about the car. The jarring information and the man himself signal a clear warning that police best proceed with extreme caution.
Available in eBook and paperback depending upon country. E-BOOK FORMAT IS AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE.
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Or go to Amazon and type in Joel Goulet in their search bar. Thank you.

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Joel Goulet
Joel Goulet Registered for 1+ year Last online 1 day ago
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    Joel Goulet
    Joel Goulet
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    Thundering Vengeance novel by Joel Goulet
    333.00 ₹ Thundering Vengeance novel by Joel Goulet by Joel Goulet