
4015.70 ₹
Healthcare Industry Barcode Label Software

Other Services
Posted 1 year ago

4015.70 ₹
Healthcare Industry Barcode Label Software

Other Services
Posted 1 year ago


Healthcare barcode software solution help streamline the patient admittance process and track meditation .Barcode software for labeling medical equipment useful in different type of fields such as pharmacy industries, medical shop, dispensary and many other ways. Barcode tool is a valuable application for small and large healthcare industries. Software provide option to save generate healthcare barcode such as GIF, PNG, JPG, BITMAPP, EMF, TIFF and many more.
Following some steps to create barcode label for healthcare industry:-
Step1 Download and Install barcode label software for medical devices.
Step: 2 Software provide two modes to create barcode label:
(a)Quick barcode mode
(b)View designing mode
Step: 3 User can select any one of the barcode technology: Linear barcode technology and 2D barcode technology as per need .You can also select type font in linear barcode such as (UPCA font, EAN 13 font, ISBN 13 font)
Step: 4 After, selecting the barcode technology user can enter the barcode value, barcode header, barcode footer, alignment, bar height and density.
Step: 5 Software also provide general setting to change the horizontal and vertical bar, left to right and top to bottom margin. You can also change font, color and image setting.
Step: 6 In barcode designing view mode user, design and create attractive barcode label using these drawing instruments like as watermark, line, text, barcode, picture, signature and library images.
Step: 7 Select barcode label properties to improve the look of label. User can change shape of label such as (rectangle, round rectangle, ellipse) size, name and width and height of label.
Step: 8 Software allow you to specify the fill background setting of create label such as solid color, gradient image and style setting according to your requirement.
Step: 9 Software also provide zoom option: zoom in and zoom out user can clearly check your barcode label.
Step: 10 Enables the batch processing series to print multiple barcode label with different text and barcode value in a single page.

Additional features of software:
• Healthcare industry software application save barcode design label specific location on your PC.
• User can also use print setting option set rows, columns margin value for printing barcode as per your need.
• Software created medication label and sticker can be added in different window applications.

Software Link:
Download Link:

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kori graham
kori graham Registered for 1+ year Last online 1 year ago
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    kori graham
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    Healthcare Industry Barcode Label Software
    4015.70 ₹ Healthcare Industry Barcode Label Software by kori graham