
130.00 ₹
Disadvantages of Eating Non-Veg Food

Health & Beauty
Posted 5 months ago

130.00 ₹
Disadvantages of Eating Non-Veg Food

Health & Beauty
Posted 5 months ago


Disadvantages of Eating Non-Veg Food Everyone wants a healthy life in life but unhealthy foods make our lives short and diseases full. But everyone knows this thing that we are eating unhealthy foods but even after that, they want to eat junk or non-veg foods for their taste. but here is another option of non-veg food which is pure veg but the taste is like non-veg and it's a unique product in the market. There are so many products in this Vezlay Veg Chicken this food tastes savory, crispy, and mouthwatering product.

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Vegan oforo
Vegan oforo Registered for 6+ months Last online 5 months ago
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    Vegan oforo
    Vegan oforo
    1 active Ads
    Professional seller
    Registered for 6+ months
    Last online 5 months ago
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    Vikas Nagar, Sector 10, Delhi, India, Alipur, Delhi, India

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    Disadvantages of Eating Non-Veg Food
    130.00 ₹ Disadvantages of Eating Non-Veg Food by Vegan oforo