
Best Ayurvedic Cancer Hospital in Kerala

Health & Beauty
Posted 1 year ago

Best Ayurvedic Cancer Hospital in Kerala

Health & Beauty
Posted 1 year ago


Punarjan Ayurveda is an ancient medicine and the mother of all traditional medicine systems. We treat the original root cause of the disease by providing a permanent treatment.

Punarjan Ayurveda has advanced Ayurvedic Formula directly works on the core cause of forming cancer, i.e., FREE RADICAL CELLS or ABNORMAL CELLS are the cells that are half alive and half dead. These free radical cells are born in the LYMPH NODES and are about up to a ’40 million’ in number.
When Chemotherapy is done, the chance of survival is 2%. Yes, they decrease to 40,000 but damage your immune system, just relieves pain, and spread rapidly to other organs. Therefore, forming a new tumor to a new organ & stopping the functioning of the organ, resulting in death.

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    Best Ayurvedic Cancer Hospital in Kerala Best Ayurvedic Cancer Hospital in Kerala Best Ayurvedic Cancer Hospital in Kerala
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