
Best international schools in Bengaluru

Education & Classes
Posted 1 week ago

Best international schools in Bengaluru

Education & Classes
Posted 1 week ago


Ambitus World School, situated near Bengaluru's Electronic City, is recognized as one of the Best international schools in Bengaluru. Our campus, only a ten-minute drive away, offers a perfect mix of modern facilities and lush greenery, creating an ideal setting for holistic education. By focusing on the CAIE and CBSE curricula, we prepare young minds for success on a global scale. Enroll your child with us today for a journey of academic excellence.

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Ambitus Registered for 1+ week Last online 4 days ago
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    Seller details Details

    1 active Ads
    Non-Professional seller
    Registered for 1+ week
    Last online 4 days ago
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    Ad location

    Sy. No: 72, 41/1, Near Electronic City, Chandapura, Bendiganahalli, Bengaluru - 562107, 562107, Bengaluru, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

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    Best international schools in Bengaluru
    Free Best international schools in Bengaluru by Ambitus