
10.00 ₹
1-Boc-4-piperidone CAS 79099-07-3

Posted 1 week ago

10.00 ₹
1-Boc-4-piperidone CAS 79099-07-3

Posted 1 week ago


Product name: BOC-PIPERIDONE / 1-Boc-4-piperidone
CAS 79099-07-3
Appearance: White powder
Density: 1.1249 (rough estimate)
Melting point: 73-77 °C (lit.)
Boiling point: 336.77°C (rough estimate)
Flash point: 129.1°C
Water solubility: slightly soluble
Vapor pressure: 0.00215mmHg at 25°C
Solubility: methanol
Refractive index: 1.4610 (estimate)
Acidity coefficient: -1.58±0.20(Predicted)
Storage conditions: Keep in dark place, Sealed in dry, Room Temperature
BOC-PIPERIDONE is a solid powder with a white to off-white crystal appearance. It has high melting and boiling points and is soluble in non-polar solvents such as diethyl ether and methylene chloride. The compound is relatively stable in humid environments.
BOC-PIPERIDONE is widely used in the chemical industry. Its main use is as an important intermediate in organic synthesis. It can also be used as surfactant, dye and dye intermediate, etc.

Condition: New
Transaction: Sell

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    1-Boc-4-piperidone CAS 79099-07-3
    10.00 ₹ 1-Boc-4-piperidone CAS 79099-07-3 by Miamia