
500.00 ₹
The Moonstone Jewelry collection

Posted 1 year ago
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500.00 ₹
The Moonstone Jewelry collection

Posted 1 year ago


Moonstone crystal is a variety of feldspar mineral groups that are formed from the orthoclase and albite silicate minerals. The gemstone is an opalescent and translucent crystal in its appearance and can be found in colors of blue, pink, white, gray, and many more. The actual meaning of the moonstone is feminine energy and fresh beginnings for its users. When the Moonlight falls on the thin layers of the crystal, it creates an effect called adularescence. Since gemstone's founding, it has been used to create ethereal pieces of gemstone jewelry like rings, pendants, earrings, and many more jewel accessories.


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    blake blosam
    blake blosam
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    500.00 ₹ The Moonstone Jewelry collection by blake blosam